Sunday, December 27, 2009

Dear brothers and sisters and friends of GMC,

Christmas with a difference
Praise the Lord for GMC brothers and sisters are able to identify at least 7 poor families for us to bless them with hampers. We need to visit them and sing carols and pass them the presents. This year, this is Christmas with a difference. Let us pray that as all Methodist churches start to do this ministry, it will become a movement. Also, we need to pray that those whom Methodist churches visited, they will come to know Jesus and be saved.

Jakarta Trip
My trip to Jakarta (14th to 18th Dec) is full of learning and great reflection. Indonesia is made up of over 200 million population. It is the largest muslim country in the world. Christian population is estimated to be 20%. There are 5% Chinese. There are hundreds of tribal groups. The Batak tribal group has been exposed to the gospel for 130 years. Lots of Methodist churches (more than 160) are made up of Batak Christians run by Batak pastors. They are using Indonesian language to worship God. It is a language quite similar to our Malay language. This really inspires me to further work on our BM ministry.

I find that Batak peoples have similar cultural and social problems as the indigenous people of Sarawak. However, may be because of a longer period of evangelization and christian nurture, Batak Christians are now more matured.

Bishop Amat (one of the 2 bishops of the Methodist Church) is heading a big General Conference of over 160 churches with 5 district superintendants and about 150 pastors. He shared with us the urgent need for us to send mandarin speaking pastors and missionaries to Indonesia. Now, they can conduct services in Mandarin and there is great vacuum that need to be filled. There are lots of Chinese but they face great shortage of mandarin speaking manpower!

We (Rev Dr Wong Kee Sing, the chairman of Sarawak Indigenous People Ministry; Brother John Ling, the SCAC missions board member and Board of Finance Chairman) also visited the Wesley Institute. It is actually a theological college with over 100 indigenous students. Lots of Korean missionaries and local indigenous lecturers working side by side to make disciples of all nations. I have to see the same picture in the Methodist Theological School in the near future. I hope in my life time, I will see that Chinese and indigenous people will be working side by side to run the BM theological department with one hundred students.

We visited a 3 language church (English, Tiong Hua and Indonesian), Immanuel. She is 40 years old but managed to plant over 20 big and small churches. Her congregation is about a few hundred persons. It started with one miracle. Dr Chiw, who is missions chairman of the church shared this very touching story. His sister who is now over 60 years old experienced miraculous healing from an unknown sickness which doctors and bomohs could not do anything when she was small. His cousin who was a christian just laid hand on her and prayed for healing. Then she dreamt of a while dressed person to come and heal her. She was healed and the whole family turned to Christ. This family served as the pioneering family of Immanuel Methodist. The church starts to develop from this family. What is interesting is that the sister acquired some kind of gift of prophecy. She was able to foretell future events. Family was tempted to ask her for 4 digits. She scolded them for the request and emphasized that Jesus would not give 4 digits! This testimony touched me very much and it inspires me to preach and present Jesus and live to be like Jesus.

May I bless all the readers with a very powerful and personal Christmas in Christ.

A faithful disciple of Jesus,
Pastor Law Hui Seng of Miri, Grace Methodist Church
24th December, 2009.
Posted by Teresa Han

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Dear brothers and sisters of GMC and friends,

This is the most exciting month for me as the hard work put in by the Board of Evangelism, SCAC, Bintulu and Miri Methodist churches have yielded results. First and foremost, in this month of December, we have sent in 3 missionaries to Ulu Belaga to make disciples among the Penan children in the areas of education. They are sisters Wong Hie Ching, Mandy Wong and Ling Fang Fang. Next January, we will see sister Ting Sung Ngo (a retired primary school principal) to go in as full time missionary. These are all called by God to be there.

If not lots of pastors, brothers and sister who sacrificed as taught by Jesus, I do not think that we can go this far and achieved so much. A small beginning like this will go a long way. I pray that God will cause many more to be called by Him to be there as missionaries.

A faithful disciple of Jesus,
Pastor Law Hui Seng
(13th December, 2009)

Posted by Teresa Han

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Praise the Lord I am now back to greet you again after a long break. I was very busy in the past months. And I am still busy for Jesus. Just want to record a few very important events in GMC. May this sharing encourage you.

Disciple Graduation
Praise the Lord for 28 persons who graduated in Disciple 1, 2, and 3 on 12th November. The testimonies that were very convincing. One of the most powerful even hinted that he might have sinned God if not because of his constant reading of God word with disciple. Many said that disciple helped to realize that God word was living and it met their inner most needs. I can see that GMC must move forward with the help of disciple.

Trip to Limbang (6th-8th November)
I taught Million Leader Mandate book 1 at Limbang Methodist Church for over 50 church leaders. It is a leadership course that allowed me to challenge them to be visionary and start to reach out to the indigenous people using Bahasa Malaysia. I pray that training will bear fruit in future and a BM congregation will be established in the next few years. On Sunday, I also preached in the morning and evening services about holiness and strong family.

Pulau Tiga, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah (23rd to 28th November)
Me and my family had a great holiday at Pulau Tiga. This was the first time in our lives to be in a big volcanic mud pool. We all floated and enjoyed ourselves. We all prayed for healing of our health. I laid hand on all my 4 children and wife and prayed. Each of them prayed for me. It was a great time of family fellowship. In Pulau Tiga Resort, I enjoyed the sea, the beach, wind and the air, the very big monitor lizards (as big as 6,7 kg) and lots of monkeys around. I enjoyed being with my twins to collect shells with crabs. I enjoyed playing Chinese chess with my 2 children; playing thief, police and people with my 4 children. I enjoyed talking to Sabah natives like Bajaus, Kadazans, etc. Praise the Lord for the unforgettable holidays. I told my children it was good to become pastor, we have time together like that.

A faithful disciple of Jesus,
Pastor Law
(6th Dec, 2009)
Posted by Teresa Han

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Tudan Church Progress

Posted by Peter Yong.

This is the progress of our Tudan Methodist Church building.
Six months after the ground breaking ceremony.
The workers said it was 70% done.

Praise the Lord.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Dear brothers and sisters and friends of GMC,

Thank You
Praise the Lord I am back to write a few lines to encourage you again. Thanks for praying for me and my family and my mission team members during my Northern Thailand mission trip (16th to 23rd October, 2009) and Ulu Belaga missions (26th to 28th October).

Be A Pastor At Thailand
We reached out to Akha, indigenous people of northern Thailand. We were based at Ban Hin Theat, Chiang Rai. I focused on teaching leadership using International Leadership Institute material for 23 Akha pastors who take care of over 20 Methodist churches with 1800 baptized members. They were blessed by the 4 core values of intimacy with God; visionary leadership; multiplication of leadership and family priority. I taught in Mandarin and it was translated into Akha language. Most of them responded and said that they now became more certain of leaders should do. They even challenged me not become a pastor in Sarawak only. I should also become a pastor in Thailand.

Dangerous Mission Trip
For the Ulu Belaga Penan missions was also equally exciting and challenging. We drove through dangerous timber roads. One of our 4 wheel drive drop into the valley. We faced very dusty roads and stopped many times as we could see the road ahead. We were told there accidents every now and then. It was a dangerous missions where we required to trust God and pray much for protection and safety during the missions trip.

4 Missionaries Confirmed
We had successfully located the venue of stay for our future 4 missionaries (2 for long terms, 4 years, 2 for short term of 1 year). Praise one of them is a retired primary school principal. I had no doubt that they would do a good job. This afternoon we had a debriefing, one mission team member commented that with the presence of that retired principal, the Penan children in those 3 long houses (Long Singu, Long Menepa and Long Peran) will definitely experience changes in life and they will progress.

Go Back Again
The other objective we achieved was that all the mission team members of Hwai En, Yi En, Mei Ann, Grace and SMCGC Methodist churches promised to organize mission teams to go back to those long houses to support the missionaries. Next year, we now 8 teams confirmed going in.

Pray that SCAC will experience a great mission movement both locally and overseas. We really need to make disciples of all nations to the ENDS of the earth.

A faithful disciple of Jesus,
Pastor Law
(1st November, 2009)
Posted by Teresa Han

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Dear brothers and sisters and friends out there,

Praise the Lord I am able to write to you tonight. For next Sunday, I will be preaching and doing mission in Cheng Rai, NorthernThailand, 16th to 22nd. Please pray for me and my team. I am joining the as an advisor to the Miri District Commission of Mission. So, I am not able to write to you next Sunday night.

Praise the Lord, this afternoon we had a successful mission with GMC youths at Sg. Burid long house. 9 of our youths were involved to do singspiration, prayers, story telling, colouring, games and testimony among about 15 children in Bahasa Malaysia. They really proved that they could do a good job. I am really encouraged to see the youths in mission.

A faithful disciple of Jesus,
Pastor Law
(11th October, 2009)
Posted by Teresa Han

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Dear brothers and sisters of GMC and friends out there,

I had done Marriage Enrichment Seminar 6 years ago in Kuching. After that I was tasked to do follow-up with other 2 couples (pastors). We met for only one time and stopped because of the geographical reason. Praise the Lord GMC has 3 couples who attended the same seminar. Now, myself and my wife (Julia) can join them for follow up purpose. Last night, we joined them for the first time. It was very exciting and I felt supported by them. We confessed our failures and success in marriage. Then, we try to suggest how to help one another to improve. It is very honest and down to earth sharing.

This course is run by SCAC board of wellness (in mandarin) every year and I encourage you all to join.

Also, I would like to share that I really enjoyed my personal time with each one of my children after the 6A parenting seminar. I am doing my second round of Monday (my off day) one to one appointment with them. Today, I went out with Mercy (9 years old). It was such a privilege to be able to talk with her. She requested rojak and ABC, and both of us enjoyed it very much. I was able to challenge her to do better in this semester. She took up the challenge.

I pray that God bless your marriage and family.

A faithful disciple of Jesus,
Pastor Law
(5th October, 2009)
Posted by Teresa Han

Monday, September 28, 2009

Dear brothers, sisters and friends of GMC,

Praise the Lord that after 2 weeks, I now come back and write to you all again. For the last 2 weeks, I had gone to Singapore and Bintulu. In Singapore, I received mentoring from Bishop Solomon (Methodist Church) and I managed to see a few lecturers of Trinity Theological College. We catch up and renew our friendship. I felt very encouraged by them.

More than 2 weeks ago, I preached to about 30 non-christian chinese students in a school in Miri. Before I went I was briefed that they were Form 3 and 5 students, I need to motivate them to study. They had given up on studies and many of them had behavioural problems. I preached right there and then as the Holy Spirit prompted me. I shared about my bad childhood days and how Jesus transformed me. How I studied hard and made it to the local university. I really preached that for the sake of God and themselves, they must study hard and do not give up on themselves. At the end of it (after about 2 hours of preaching and interactions with them), I did not challenge them to accept Christ, instead, I challenge them to change themselves from absenteeism, laziness, unwillingness to study, etc, after a minute of persuasion, almost all of stood up and followed in prayer.

After the whole event, I quietly prayed to God to say to Him if there were 2 to 3 persons whose lives had changed, I was satisfied already. I did not call up the teacher to ask. Coincidentally, I met her at Imperial Mall on Friday night for a talk, she said that there at least 3 persons who became more attentive in her class after they listened to me. Praise the Lord for He changed them. I pray that the seeds I sowed in the others’s students heart will germinate and later on, they will come to know God and be saved.

A faithful disciple of Jesus,
Pastor Law
(27th September, 2009)
Posted by Teresa Han

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Dear brothers, sisters and friends of GMC,

Praise the Lord, the bible has very clear instructions in Ephesians 5:22-33 to teach us how to treat husbands and wives. I have written the sermon this week to help us to see the precious space we all need in marriage. I pray that you are blessed by my sermon and the word of God.

A faithful disciple of Christ,
Pastor Law
(11th September, 2009)
Posted by Teresa Han

Monday, September 7, 2009

Dear brothers and sisters and friends,

I find life is getting more and more exciting for me and my family and GMC and SCAC. This is especially so when I define everything I do in terms of Jesus.

My family is a happy and joyous family. All my 4 children are growing taller. They seem to improve in their studies. You know what my dyslexic son, Elliot, can even score 15 out of 60 marks for his BM essay. A lot of his classmates cannot that mark. I am so happy to see that he is trying hard. Praise the Lord and thank God for providing Julia to teach him patiently at home; for providing sister Jong to give him personal couching in writing essay; for sister Margaret Lee who is giving him tuition; for his BM teacher in school who encourages him; for the special teachers at Kuching who gave him closing couching in BM and English; for lots of others who encourage my son, etc.

Also, after the 6A parenting, praise the Lord I am able to make appointment to see each one of my children for a special meal and a personal time together, one to one. Normally, it is about one and half hour. I am very proud to do it and be their father. I enjoy my time with them. I find that each child is so special, unique and different. I believe later on as they grow up they will remember their dad for doing it.

Praise the Lord for many lives who have been transformed in GMC throuh the 9 month disciple course. Praise the Lord for people who received pre-marital counseling from me and my wife and benefit from us.

Praise the Lord for Jesus who has touched 5 lives to be missionaries to Ulu Belaga. Let us continue to pray for another 9 persons.

Jesus has made all the difference in my life and my family’s lives and in the life of brothers and sisters of GMC.

A faithful disciple of Jesus,
Pastor Law
7th Sept, 2009

Posted by Teresa Han

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Dear brothers and sisters,

Praise the Lord for He empowered me to preach the sermon on “The Impacts of Discples’ Prayer” today at GMC. I was to preach and communicate with the congreagation how we pray powerful prayers like the early disciples. Please read my sermon at GMC website.
God bless.

A faithful disciple of Jesus,
Pastor Law
(23rd August, 2009)
Poster by Teresa Han

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Dear brothers and sisters and friends out there,

Have you asked yourself what counts at the end of the day? What is most important in life? Is it money, wealth, status, husband and wife relationship, having children, respect, love, forgiveness, mission, etc? My deepest reflection has to me to conclude that those must not be the ultimate things we pursue on earth. Those things and values will end when we leave this world. However, those things and values become very meaning when we live our lives and define our lives in terms of Christ. When we live for Christ, everything becomes so significant. What count at the end of the day is Jesus Christ, our Lord.

I find that my life without Christ is so meaningless. My prayers, mission, evangelism, husband and wife relationship, preaching, parents-children relationship, are meaningless if there is no Christ in my life.

I pray that you have Jesus Christ in your life.

A faithful disciple of Christ,
Pastor Law
(16th August, 2009)
Posted by Teresa Han

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Celebrating Our 20th Anniversary Magazine

Grace Methodist Church - Celebaring 20th Anniversary Magazine is now available Free for its members. Please come and get a copy.


Preface from the publication:-

2008 - It is with God's Grace that Grace Methodist Church, an English Speaking Church, is celebrating its 20th anniversary.

The Church can only be a developing and growing church when all the districts provide support from the outside. And within the church walls the congregation together with the serving pastors must be commended for bringing it to its glorious level today.

Looking back the Church was on borrowed premises in the Mei Ang Church in Kwangtun Road in 1989. We did not have a real home then. But the English speaking congregation was very united and had a great LCEC. Thus within a few years the Grace Methodist Church was constructed at Jalan Baiduri 6. The church was finally completed in July 5th 1999. Praise the Lord.

At Church is like a tree. As it grows upwards to reach the sky the roots must drink water and the trunks and branches must be strong to withstand the storms. The members of the church are like the roots and the leaders the branches. The Pastor is like the trunk. When a tree grows beautifully and huge in a forest or in a park people can see how grand it is.

But without the love and sunshine, the rain and the soil provided by God the tree will be stunted. Thus as a congregation we need the spiritual food from God and the sharing of love with each other. We must support each other as well as our church leaders and our Pastors. Like a tree we need to weather the storms and the strong winds, the flood and the dangers of the enviroment. But with our faith in God we can grow strong and tall.

This committe hopes that the Grace Methodist Church will carry on its good work. Together we will move forward to celebrate another great anniversary. This magazine is also a token of appreciation to all who have in one way or another helped GMC to grow.

Glory to God.

The 20th Anniversary Magazine Committee:
Chairperson - Jimmy Shih
Editor - Chang Yi
Committe - Amy Lau
Members Kim Tan
Ricky Law
Contributors - James Wong, William Law,
William Ting, Ricky Tiong,
Jessy Yong
We would like to thank all those who have contributed in the successful publication of this magazine.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Dear brothers and sisters and friends,

In the last 3 weeks I was not able to preach you because on 19th July I preach at Mei Ann Methodist Church, Miri for her indigenous people Sunday; then on 26th July, I preached at Eng Kwan Methodist Church, Bintulu, for the same purpose; on 2nd August, I fell sick and could not preach. Praise the Lord I could preach on 9th August on Thanksgiving Sunday.

When I was in Bintulu, I attended the Indigenous People Night on 25th July, I saw about 150 indigenous people worshipping with the chinese in Gloria Methodist church. This church is now having at least 80 indigenous people children. This is a very good examle of a Mandarin speaking church making disciples among the indigenous people. They really obey God to make disciples of all nations. Eventually, they asked me to fly again on 7th August to train them on how to form an adult congregation of Bahasa Malaysia service. With so many children, we now have the great privilege to invite their parents to come to our BM service. These people are very near the church and Gloria is very sensitive to God’s leading to reach out to them.

God bless.

A faithful disciple of Jesus,
Pastor Law
(11th August, 2009)

Posted by Teresa Han

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Dear brothers and sisters and friends out there,

Praise the Lord for today for it is Missions Sunday. Out of 2 congregations of about 250 people, in the past few years, so far, we have 187 persons who have gone for short term missions. Praise the Lord GMC has made a difference for Christ in mission. We need to pray that we will keep doing it and there will be 2 persons who will emerge and serve God full time by 2010.

I just came back from Belaga Penan mission at Long Singu, Long Luar and Long Tangau. This time, I went deeper and tried to minister, the responses from 3 long houses were good. Everybody in long house is for Jesus! You can expect no matter result than. It is now up to SCAC and GMC to harvest. Please pray that the whole of SCAC will be able to raise another 12 missionaries to be stationed at the other 6 Penan long houses.

I am so privileged to be a disciples of Jesus.

Pastor Law
(12th July, 2009)
Posted by Teresa Han

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Dear brothers and sisters and friends out there,

I pray that you are empowered by our Lord Jesus Christ to make disciples of all nations. I pray that God will extend your territory for Him. You see a need and meet it and feel convicted to go further.

For about 2 months now, me and wife have been giving lunch to a Primary 6 girl in Pujut Chung Hua Primary School. My 3 children who studied there told my wife that this girl would request fellow pupils to give her left over food. When I heard about it and also my wife were touched by the Holy Spirit to prepare extra food for her. I remembered I was so called by God to feed her that I wept in the school as I thought of her hunger. Praise the Lord, we are able to respond to the call.

I pray that when you are called to serve God in any way, you will respond and make a difference for Jesus.

God bless.
A faithful disciple of Jesus,
Pastor Law
(5th July, 2009)
Posted by Teresa Han

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Dear brothers and sisters and friends out there,

Today, GMC is celebrating our Parents’ Sunday. Praise the Lord we have parents of our Sunday School children joining the service. The whole service was packed. We had about 80 chidren singing obeying our parents. We also gave out presents to brothers and sisters who are more 60 years old.

I also preached a message on “Teaching your children to fear God". Please refer to GMC website to read it.

I also took the opportunity to publicise for 6As parenting. The 6As are acceptance, appreciation, affection, availability, accountability, authority. The district commission of social concerns is organizing it at Hwai En Methodist Church, on 8th August, 2009, 1.30pm to 9.30pm, on Saturday. We have limited spaces for 50 persons only. If you are interested, pls email me, I can pass you the registration form.

God bless.
Pastor Law
(28th June, 2009)

Posted by Teresa Han

Monday, June 22, 2009

Dear brothers and sisters,

Praise the Lord for the successful social concerns project carried out at Tabika Perpaduan, Permyjaya by our church today. We closely with Permyjaya Methodist Church, Tudan Preaching Centre, Diabetes Association, and Optical Association. Our church had sent 30 volunteers to work closely with the other churches and associations. This is really Jesus at work through us. Thanks to all the brothers and sisters to who worked so hard. May God bless you.

The response was good and thank God for the good weather. When I was there for about 1 hour, I saw people queing up to see the eye specialist. I saw Malays, Ibans, Chinese, young and old, christians and non-christians. We manage to entertain 300 plus people of all races. 44 medical cases need further treatment; 87 pairs of glasses were given out; 317 blood tests were done for diabetes.

Today, at the morning service when we did Christian Soldier Sunday (a day we remember the works done by pastors and full time worker) , I was very encouraged by a statement made by brother Paul Wong, the lay leader of GMC. He said that in past, GMC church members tend to ask what pastor could do for them, now, they said what they could do for Christ. The change in attitude towards pastor and Christ is an excellent example of life transformation experienced by church leaders and members. I strongly believe this has to do with our prayers; more close fellowship; the 9 month of disciple ministry which we have been doing about 4 years now.

Nowadays, praise the Lord, I am enjoying my ministry in GMC even there are challenges and stress I need to face everyday.

Faithful disciple of Jesus,
Pastor Law
(21th June, 2009)

Posted by Teresa Han

Friday, June 19, 2009

Dear brothers, sisters and friends out there,

I pray that you are excited to make disciples in your capacity as a disciple of Christ. Live a life of impact and help others to become disciples of Jesus. You only have one chance to live. You only live one time. So, treasure your life on earth by making disciples.

Praise the Lord I will be leading a team of Mei Ann Methodist Church members (6 of them and 1 from SIB, a photographer) and disciples of Jesus to Belaga for Penan mission (Long Singu, Long Tangau, Luar), 7th to 9th July.

Praise the Lord for Trinity Methodist Church will be leading a team of 7 persons to go for Belaga Mission in 7th to 9th Dec, 2009. Rev Dr Wong Kee Sing will be the team leader. They responded to my sermon on 31st May and eventually, the church mission committee made a decision to go.

I have preached on prayer today. My points of application are praying constantly and praying during critical moments in our lives. You may like to read my sermon in this website.

A Disciple of Jesus,
Pastor Law
(14th June, 2009)

Posted by Teresa Han

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Dear brothers, sisters and friends out there,

I have just come back from Sibu Methodist Convention. One powerful strategy I learn from the convention is about the Blue Ocean strategy. It is simply to go where there is no competition. For me, there can be 2 applications on it. Help the poor and make disciples among them. Nobody will compete to help the poor and make them disciples.

In the last weekend, I conducted the marriage renewal seminar for about 40 indigenous brothers and sisters at Trinity Methodist Church BM ministry. Most of whom are husbands and wives. On Sunday morning, I preached at the TMC BM service, we helped 24 indigenous married couples to make marriage covenant before God. They had never done it before. This helped to stablize their marriages. I see these indigenous people becoming stronger and stronger disciples for Jesus.

For the second service, I preached at TMC English service. I challenge them to respond to God’s calling to do mission at Belaga. 5 Persons responded. Pray that Kuching TMC will send a team to go to Belaga.

Today, in GMC I preached the challenging message of taking on the commission of Jesus to make disciples of all nations. You may like the whole sermon in this website.

Disciple of Jesus,
Pastor Law
(7th June, 2009)

Posted by Teresa Han

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Dear brothers and sisters,

I praise our Lord, Jesus, for the way He works among us in the area of mission.

Today is Sunday, 24th May, 2009 (Aldersgate’s Sunday). It is our annual Sunday where we remember how John Wesley felt his heart was strangely warmed. I described it as how he was touched by the Holy Spirit, and from then on, his life was never the same anymore. It was on 24th May, 1738. He was 25 years then! One thing that happened after the experience was his sermons changed for better and impacted many and so many people to Christ that he had to organized them in class, bands and society in order to disciple them. He started a Methodist movement! I was and am still very touched by his life after I researched his life in my master of ministry programmes. I aspired to be John Wesley to preach with passion and go out of my comfort to preach outside the church in other areas as far as I can go. He went throughout England and eventually sent missionaries to America.

Nevertheless, Jesus is my Lord and Saviour and I am His disciple.

John Wesley was very mission minded and followed Jesus 100%. GMC is very much trying to do the same. Sister Grace Chew shared about her mission experience in the morning and evening services. I listened to her sharing and I read her testimony before this. I thought this sister was going to stop at one time of mission as she was fulfilling her promise to God. To my surprise, in the midst of the evening service, she put up her hand and volunteered to go for Balingian mission on 22nd to 24th August. I could not help but believe that this is the Spirit of Mission working in her. My heart is so encouraged and touched that I write this for your all to read. So far, since we fix a vision of seeing 100 persons by the year 2010, to do short term mission since the year 2002, 95 persons have participated. I believe we definitely can reach our goal by the end of the year. The remaining challenge now is the vision of seeing 2 full time missionaries to be raised from the congregation by 2010.

Praise the Lord we have Brother Aaron Hii, Brother Peter Ting, Rev Dr Wong Kee Sing (Trinity Methodist Church, Kuching, the chairman of Sarawak Indigenous People Committee, Board of Evangelism, SCAC) and myself will going to Belaga, crossing the river to survey 2 Penan long houses (Long Tangau and Long Luar) tommorrow. Let us pray that after this GMC will send a team to go there.

A Disciple of Jesus who is all for Jesus and mission,
Pastor Law
(24th May, 2009)
Posted by Teresa Han

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Tudan Methodist Groundbreaking Ceremony

Around two hundred people from all Miri Methodist churches gathered at Tudan Methodist new church site to witness the groundbreaking ceremony by SCAC President Rev. Dr. Su Chii Ann on last Sunday, May 17 2009.

Also present was the Methodist District Superintendent Rev. Esther Law, Pastor Rev. Lau Hui Seng (Grace Methodist Church), Pastors from various Miri Methodist Churches and District Lay Leader Brother Ting Kong Yu.

The ceremony started at 4:15 pm with a Iban traditional dance, followed by the presentation of Iban souvenir necklaces to President Rev. Dr. Su and to other Pastors.

Pastor Chan Jing Mei, the Pastor-in-charge of Tudan Methodist Church did the opening prayer followed by a welcome speech.

Then President Rev. Dr. Su with DS Rev. Esther Law, Pastor Chan Jing Mei and District Lay Leader Brother Ting Kong Yu executed the groundbreaking.

To also symbolize the auspicious occasion, President Rev. Dr. Su also beat a traditional Iban gong to commence the oncoming construction works to be carried out.

Light refreshments were served after the ceremony ended.

The Tudan brothers and sisters-in-Christ are warm and hospitable people.

We are blessed to have them. All glory and praise the God!

Written & Photograph by James Wong.
Posted by Peter Yong

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Dear brothers and sisters,

You may like to read my sermon posted in this website. It is about submitting your life to God. One prayer by A. W. Tozer in my sermon worth your attention. It shows how you should submit your life to God.

Praise the Lord for the successful Tudan New Church Building earth breaking ceremony today at 4pm (17th May, 2009). About 150 people turned up. Praise the Lord for about 20 GMC members who attended it. Majority of Miri distict pastors were there.

Praise the Lord for sister Rose’s building work has begun. We hope it will be completed by the end of this month. She and 2 sons are from Tudan Preaching Centre and they are poor and they deserve our help. We still need about RM2,000 to buy wood and other material.

Praise the Lord we have confirmed 4 persons (myself, bro Peter Ting, Rev Dr Wong Kee Sing and Bro Aaron Hii) going for the Belaga mission survey to Long Tangau and Long Luar, where we are required to cross river and it required only half an hour of long boat ride. We confirm going on 25th and 26th May.

I pray that you witness the power of God at work in GMC as you peoples’ life are touched for Christ.

Disciple of Jesus,
Pastor Law
(17th May, 2009)
Posted by Teresa Han

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Dear brothers and sisters and friends,

If you can refer to my sermon on the 10th of May, you will find that I teach based on the word of God, James 3:13-18, that you are to choose wisdom of heaven. Wisdom of heaven will produce characters like peace loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit and impartial and sincerity. Then your words are inspired by the Holy Spirit. If your words caused envy, selfish ambition, disorder and evil practice, then, your words are inspired by the devil.

Please do not forget to come for this coming Sunday, 4pm (17th May), the first BM church building earth breaking ceremony (by our president, Rev Dr Su Chii Ann). The venue is at Tudan. There is map available here in the blog.

Disciple of Jesus,
Pastor Law
(13th May, 2009)

Posted by Teresa Han

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Dear brothers, sisters and friends,

Updates on Penan Missions At Belaga
Let us pray that 8 of us can go to visit to the 2 unvisited long houses (Long Luar and Long Tagang). In fact, we more or less have the 8 persons ready. Now, it is just a matter of organizing and getting the approval from Shin Yang authority. What is challenging about these 2 long houses is that we have to face the risk of the river. The date we request is 25th and 26th May.

Every Saturday Morning Prayer at 6 to 7AM
We have about 7 persons praying regularly every Saturday morning. We welcome you to join us in the church. Beside the Thursday night, I find that the morning prayer meeting is also very much a powerhouse for our church to move on.

In the most powerful name of Jesus I write,
Pastor Law
(2nd May, 2009)

Posted by Teresa Han

Friday, May 8, 2009

Earth breaking for the First Methodist BM Church in Sarawak Sunday, 17th May, 4pm, 2009

Dear faithful church members of GMC and friends out there,
This is the latest information about the Tudan Preaching Centre. It is Miri district BM ministry. Praise the Lord for the Naim Chendra which had completed the earthworks before we start building. The tender documents are out and 5 invited tenderers are involved. They have collected RM420,000.
GMC and the whole miri and SCAC and our friends have been praying and giving a lot all these years. Now, it is the moment to do earth breaking by our President on 17th May, sunday, 4pm. PLs see the map for direction. If you are in Miri, you must come to see the hand of God behind this ministry. Go there and have a look at the land the simple indigenous people houses and you will see the need for a church there.
It is going to be a simple church and the seating capacity is 500.

Location Map:-

Pls pray:
a. For good weather on that day.
b. Pray that the price will be low and the contractor will do it with responsibility.
c. Pray that we will start building by july or august and we willfinish by next year same time.
d. Pray by the time we finish, we will also finish our payment to the contractor.
God bless.
Pastor Law Hui Seng
Grace Methodist Church
eMail :
Telephone : 085-662660 & 085-664660

Purpose Statement : To Build a strong & United Church where every member is equipped for works of Service through whom Jesus Christ is made known

Posted by Peter Yong

Friday, May 1, 2009

The prayer points for GMC

a. pray that our parents, BB, GB and Sunday School teachers will make disciples among our children and all those children who are unders us. Pray that they will be built up in godly characters and grow up to be strong disciples of Jesus.

b. Pray that God will bless us with 100 BB boys and 100 GB girls by 2010. Pray that God will open up opportunity to do lots of outreach among the local primary schools near GMC. Pray that our Church memhers are sensitive to reach out to them. Pray that we are bold and empowered by the Holy Spirit to enter primary schools to make disciples of children.

c. pray that God will raise another 12 missionaries to be stationed at 6 Belaga Penan Long houses (2 each) by the end of this year. Thank God we have 2 so far.
d. Thank God for successful mission trip to Kapit. 52 children and adults are baptized. Pray for Rev Allan and Rev Arthur Tabor to do good follow up on the newly baptized.

e. Pray for 8 persons to come forward to go on mission to the the unreached Penan long houses at Long Luar and Long Tagan. We need to cross river and stay overnight at the long houses. The tentative date is 25th and 26th May. Pray that Shin Yang GM Will approve the mission and provide 2 long boats to cross the river to reach out to about 200 Penans.

f. Pray for church camp of GMC coming up next week 8th to 10th of May that God will grant us safety and journey mercy. Pray that it will be a great fellowship and great learning of God's work. Pray that the whole camp will be filled by love of God and we impact life. Pray for the president to arrive safely and Jesus will empower him preach powerful messages, word of God to impact life.

g. Pray for Tudan Preaching Centre that God will give them a very good contractor. they are in the proces of giving up tenders to potential bidders. pray we will be able to work within a budget of one million ringgit. We have RM400, 000 now. Pray that God will use the government, church members, overseas churches and persons to contribute to help us.

h. pray for God to contain the spread of swine flue from Maxico to other cities and countries. Pray that Malaysia immigrations and health department will take stern measures to protect our people from the attack of it.

i. pray for our church to raise 2 missionaries by 2010.

j. pray for the health of bro Jonathan Ting. God will help him to cope with severe pain as a result of the medication for the blood disorder. Pray that he will be able to do bone marrow transplant after 6 months.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Make Disciples Among Children

Dear brothers and sisters,

Many Christians do not see the importance of making disciples among our children. Actually, this is very much in the heart of our Lord Jesus Christ. Otherwise, He would not say, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (Matthew 19:14)

I pray that GMC parents, LCEC leaders, GB, BB officers and Sunday School teachers will make disciples among our children by offering Jesus to them. How? By building in them all the godly characters you can think of. Learn from Jesus, give children your time, your touch and prayers.

I may struggle to make my 4 children (Grace, Tobias, Elliot and Mercy) the disciples of Jesus but at least it is my goal in life. My vision for them is that one day they will one day become strong disciples of Jesus and serve Him full time. I pray that they will be able to do what I am doing now and able to do even more than me.

May God empower you to make disciples of your children.

Pastor Law

(26th April, 2009)

Edited and posted by Teresa Han

Monday, April 13, 2009


Dear GMC brothers and sisters and friends out there,

This week we focus on Christ a lot. For the Maundy Thursday (the Last Supper with our Lord Jesus Christ); Good Friday and the Easter sermons today, you may like to refer to this blog. I pray that your souls will be nourished and love Jesus more after reading those sermons.

I pray that you will not let Jesus die a useless death on the cross by sinning against Him. You will obey Him as your Master. In every aspect of your life, get personal with Him by having heart to heart talk with Him; by sharing with Him the most confidential information of your; by depending on Him 100% to solve the toughest problems of your life, etc. Get personal with Him to see if He is real to you.

Faithful disciple of Jesus,
Pastor Law Hui Seng
On Easter, 12th April, 2009

Edited and Posted By Teresa Han

Sunday, April 5, 2009

49 Characters

(1)Love Vs Selfishness

Definition: Love is giving to the basic needs of others so that their authorities, get the credit, God gets the glory, and we have the joy of eternal rewards.
Genuine love is giving without any expectation of personal gain.

Personal Evaluation: How genuine is your love?
1) Do you tend to get discouraged and want to give up when everything seems to go wrong?
2) Do you look for ways to be useful and help out whenever you go?
3) Do you tend to envy the possessions or opportunities of other people?
4) Do you enjoy telling about your achievements more than listening to the accomplishment of others.
5) Do you tend to look down on those who do not live by your standards?
6) Do you choose your clothing with a motive of drawing attention to yourself?
7) Do you know and practice good manners wherever you are?
8) Do you tend to want your own way and argue when you do not get it?
9) Do you get irritated or exasperated with the character deficiencies of others?
10) Do you harbour grudges against those who have hurt you?
11) Do you swell on secret desires to fulfil the lust of the flesh?
12) Do you meditate on God’s word day and night and delight to do His will?

(2) Alertness Vs Carelessness
Definition: Alertness is exercising my physical and spiritual senses to recognize the dangers that could diminish the resources entrusted to me.

Personal Evaluation: How alert are you to danger?

1)Do you daily remind yourself that you are in a spiritual war?
2)Do you diligently guard your time from detractors?
3)Do you confirm with scripture everything you are taught?
4)Do you guard your daily time with the Lord and His word?
5)Do you reject all whispers?
6)Do you protect your good name by doing only what is right?
7)Do you ask God for daily guidance and find His will?

(3.) Attentiveness Vs Distraction

Showing the worth of a person or task by giving my undivided concentration.

Attentiveness in the home includes:

1) Showing support for each other by listening to another’s ideas without immediately getting irritated or finding fault in them.
2) Setting aside time to listen with eyes and ears to a family member’s counsel and concerns.
3) Making family members feel important by spending time alone with each of them and listening to their interests.
4) Learning what each family member enjoys so that extra touches can be added to birthday celebrations and others special occasions.

Rewards of Attentiveness

Respect – An attentive person gains the respect of others they value his or her opinion the way he or she has valued theirs

(4.) Availability Vs Self-centeredness

Availability is simplifying our needs so we are ready and able to serve those whom God bring to us.

Personal Evaluation:

How available are you for service?

1) Do you choose to serve God rather than money?
2) Do you purpose to be a giver rather than a taker?
3) Do you work to make other successful?
4) Do you deny yourself from distracting pleasures?
5) Do you set aside personal ambitions in order to advance kingdom of God and His righteousness?
(5) Boldness Vs Fearfulness

Boldness is welcoming any suffering that comes from doing what is right, because it will produce a greater power of love.

Personal Evaluation:

1) Is your heart right before the Lord so that He can move mightily through you?
2) Is it your goal in life to lead as many people as you can to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and then to disciple them in all the teachings of Christ?
3) What special passages of scripture has God given to you, and do you regularly meditate on them?
4) Has God given you special concern for a certain category of people so that you can meet their needs?
5) When you get to the end of your life, what do you want to look back on, of which you can say, ’This is what God accomplished through me’?

By Rev. Law Hui Seng:
Taken from ‘The Power For True Success. How to Build character in Your life’.
To be continued next week.
Posted By Teresa Han

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Dear brothers and sisters and friends of GMC,

I have been preaching a lot about faith. My frustration is that very often we cannot exercise our faith. The simple reason is because we normally cannot see what God sees. As a pastor (servant of God) I see what God sees. And we cannot see because we are only depending on our own calculation and wisdom.

When we cannot see help coming or the resources needed, normally, we hesitate to act and believe because we are not convinced that God will provide. There are times; we cannot even exercise our faith to trust God to provide for our needs even though the word of say so. Take for instance, when we go out to preach the gospel, we can so scared as if we do not the presence of God with us. What do we do with Acts 1:8,9 where we are told that the Holy Spirit empowers us when we go to make disciples of all nations.

George Muller, a great man of faith, once said, “God delights to increase the faith of His Children. We ought, instead of wanting no trials before victory, no exercise for patience, to be willing to take them from God’s hand as a means. I say – and say it deliberately – trials, obstacles, difficulties, and sometimes defeats, are the very food of faith.”

Disciples of Jesus, I pray in the name of Jesus, you stand up for Jesus, and make a difference for Him in your marriage, parenting, mission, relationships, ministries, etc. It is no challenge for you to work for things that will not last for eternity. It is a very big challenge to serve God and make your life count for Jesus and what you bear eternal values. It will be so when you exercise your faith to do the will of God. Will You?

A disciple who is dear to the heart of Jesus,
Pastor Law
(26th March, 2009)

Edited and posted by Teresa Han

Thursday, March 26, 2009

All disciples of Jesus out there,

I write to you with my strongest conviction that this blog can make a difference for Jesus. One reason is people spend so much time with the internet. And you are one of them. A lot of times, a lot of people do not pay attention to the newspaper, tv news and other media, but they pay attention to internet. This is their lifestyle. GMC wants to tap on this habit and help these people to become disciples of Jesus. I pray those who come to our blog will be blessed in the following ways:

a. They will get church information and pray that God’s will be done.
b. They will be touched by what GMC has done for Jesus in disciple making and it will help them to move on and make more disciples.
c. They will sign up for ministries and step forward to serve God.
d. They will introduce GMC to others so that they will know Christ and be saved to become a disciple of Jesus.
e. They will make GMC as a reference or a resource in disciple making.
f. You will feel the need to contribute articles that build up one another’s faith and become strong disciples of Jesus.

Disciple of Jesus,
Pastor Law
(1st March, 2009)

Edited and posted by Teresa Han

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Dear faithful disciples of GMC and friends who are out there,

It is with great conviction that I write this message. We are now practicing 40 days of fast and prayer in view of the Lent which will end on 11th April. On the 12th April, there will be Easter Celebration. To make the day most meaningful, we encourage disciples of Jesus in GMC to donate 100 bags of rice for the poor.

Also, in view of the Lent, every morning we meet at 6 to 7 am. I want to appeal to you in the name of Jesus, that you must at least come one time. I know it is not so easy to sacrifice our sleep but remember how Lord Jesus Christ sacrifices His life for us. You think and imagine how much He loves; you should find no problem to wake up earlier than usual.

I pray that you should at least grasp the Saturday and Sunday mornings to come and pray. Give God a chance to touch you through early morning prayers.

Praise Lord for answering our prayers as now we have 11 persons who will be going for Kapit Mission trip (24th to 28th April). The exciting thing about this team is that there are new people going.

In the most powerful name of Jesus Christ I write,
Pastor Law
(23rd March, 2009)
Edited and posted by Teresa Han

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Penan Missions and Parenting group

Dear GMC brothers and sister, friends and all whom God loved,

Penan Missions

I pray that as you see the photos in this website, you see the hand of God at work in GMC. You see that we are making disciples of all nations. I pray that you are amazed by the pictures of Penan children, youths and adults. After my 2 visits to the 5 out of 7 Penan long houses at Belaga/ Bakun, ever since, I cannot stop talking about it to people and I pray about it.

The heart cry of the Penan people is for missionaries to be sent there to teach their children in education; and also to send BM speaking pastors there. Praise the Lord, we have 2 sisters from Trinity Methodist Church (Kuching) who have made up their minds to go. They were on the team of our visit there. We need to pray for another 12 to be sent there. This is a long term ministry which we must and the whole of Sarawak Chinese Annual Conference. Can the whole annual conference come out with anther 12 persons by the end of this year? Let us pray hard.

Parenting group in GMC

Yesterday I visited sister Siew Yiew’s parenting group. Praise the Lord for the openness in sharing about parenting. One non Christian was there for the second time and she even said that after the first meeting, it helped her parenting. She confessed that the sisters’ open sharing about parenting helped her. Praise the Lord our church is making disciples even through parenting group.

I pray that Jesus empowers you all to make disciples in your ministries.

In the most powerful name of Jesus I write,

Pastor Law

(13th March, 2009)

Posted and edited by Teresa Han

Monday, March 16, 2009

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Dear brothers and sisters and friends out there,

I pray that you all understand why Jesus must be human being and not anything else.

The creator of the universe is so wise that He knows if he does not incarnate to be a human being, we will not be able to know how to worship personally. So, now, can you imagine with me the person Jesus, who understands our needs? You can tell Him your struggles and all the dissatisfaction in your lives. And see what happens. I pray that you will hear from Him. Because you ask, seek and you shall find.

God loves you.

Pastor Law