Monday, November 2, 2009

Dear brothers and sisters and friends of GMC,

Thank You
Praise the Lord I am back to write a few lines to encourage you again. Thanks for praying for me and my family and my mission team members during my Northern Thailand mission trip (16th to 23rd October, 2009) and Ulu Belaga missions (26th to 28th October).

Be A Pastor At Thailand
We reached out to Akha, indigenous people of northern Thailand. We were based at Ban Hin Theat, Chiang Rai. I focused on teaching leadership using International Leadership Institute material for 23 Akha pastors who take care of over 20 Methodist churches with 1800 baptized members. They were blessed by the 4 core values of intimacy with God; visionary leadership; multiplication of leadership and family priority. I taught in Mandarin and it was translated into Akha language. Most of them responded and said that they now became more certain of leaders should do. They even challenged me not become a pastor in Sarawak only. I should also become a pastor in Thailand.

Dangerous Mission Trip
For the Ulu Belaga Penan missions was also equally exciting and challenging. We drove through dangerous timber roads. One of our 4 wheel drive drop into the valley. We faced very dusty roads and stopped many times as we could see the road ahead. We were told there accidents every now and then. It was a dangerous missions where we required to trust God and pray much for protection and safety during the missions trip.

4 Missionaries Confirmed
We had successfully located the venue of stay for our future 4 missionaries (2 for long terms, 4 years, 2 for short term of 1 year). Praise one of them is a retired primary school principal. I had no doubt that they would do a good job. This afternoon we had a debriefing, one mission team member commented that with the presence of that retired principal, the Penan children in those 3 long houses (Long Singu, Long Menepa and Long Peran) will definitely experience changes in life and they will progress.

Go Back Again
The other objective we achieved was that all the mission team members of Hwai En, Yi En, Mei Ann, Grace and SMCGC Methodist churches promised to organize mission teams to go back to those long houses to support the missionaries. Next year, we now 8 teams confirmed going in.

Pray that SCAC will experience a great mission movement both locally and overseas. We really need to make disciples of all nations to the ENDS of the earth.

A faithful disciple of Jesus,
Pastor Law
(1st November, 2009)
Posted by Teresa Han

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