Thursday, April 30, 2009

Make Disciples Among Children

Dear brothers and sisters,

Many Christians do not see the importance of making disciples among our children. Actually, this is very much in the heart of our Lord Jesus Christ. Otherwise, He would not say, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (Matthew 19:14)

I pray that GMC parents, LCEC leaders, GB, BB officers and Sunday School teachers will make disciples among our children by offering Jesus to them. How? By building in them all the godly characters you can think of. Learn from Jesus, give children your time, your touch and prayers.

I may struggle to make my 4 children (Grace, Tobias, Elliot and Mercy) the disciples of Jesus but at least it is my goal in life. My vision for them is that one day they will one day become strong disciples of Jesus and serve Him full time. I pray that they will be able to do what I am doing now and able to do even more than me.

May God empower you to make disciples of your children.

Pastor Law

(26th April, 2009)

Edited and posted by Teresa Han

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