Monday, October 11, 2010

Dear brothers and sisters and friends of GMC,

Praise the Lord for a great week. I believe my life has been enriched by what I see and experienced this week. God is causing good things to happen in GMC.

Firstly, the weekend Primary 6 retreat attracted some 26 boys and girls to come. All of them said yes to Jesus. We encourage them to go on to the i-youth or MJYF after this year. Teacher Vivien Lim has done a very good job.

Secondly, I met a 17 old Iban girl who needs help in the psychiatry hospital. I was told that when parents do not give her the attention, her condition turns worse. I learn that when a person does not receive enough love, it literally affects every area of your life. It affects you mentally, physically, psychologically, socially, etc. It challenges me to mobilize a few sisters to help her. Please pray that our love for her will help to heal her a little.

Thirdly, the Alpha weekend was simply too great. The non-threatening approach, seek sensitive approach, genuine caring approach and most important of all, allowing the Holy Spirit to work approach is so simple and practical an approach to do evangelism. I pray that GMC will take this approach far and really win people for Christ. Today, I see at least 200 star fish (which represents 200 persons) which we commit to God in prayer and eventually we need to invite them to come for Alpha. I pray that we will keep doing Alpha and make disciples of all nations.

A faithful disciple of Jesus,

Pastor Law Hui Seng

(10th October, 2010)

Posted by Teresa Han

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