Thursday, April 30, 2009

Make Disciples Among Children

Dear brothers and sisters,

Many Christians do not see the importance of making disciples among our children. Actually, this is very much in the heart of our Lord Jesus Christ. Otherwise, He would not say, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (Matthew 19:14)

I pray that GMC parents, LCEC leaders, GB, BB officers and Sunday School teachers will make disciples among our children by offering Jesus to them. How? By building in them all the godly characters you can think of. Learn from Jesus, give children your time, your touch and prayers.

I may struggle to make my 4 children (Grace, Tobias, Elliot and Mercy) the disciples of Jesus but at least it is my goal in life. My vision for them is that one day they will one day become strong disciples of Jesus and serve Him full time. I pray that they will be able to do what I am doing now and able to do even more than me.

May God empower you to make disciples of your children.

Pastor Law

(26th April, 2009)

Edited and posted by Teresa Han

Monday, April 13, 2009


Dear GMC brothers and sisters and friends out there,

This week we focus on Christ a lot. For the Maundy Thursday (the Last Supper with our Lord Jesus Christ); Good Friday and the Easter sermons today, you may like to refer to this blog. I pray that your souls will be nourished and love Jesus more after reading those sermons.

I pray that you will not let Jesus die a useless death on the cross by sinning against Him. You will obey Him as your Master. In every aspect of your life, get personal with Him by having heart to heart talk with Him; by sharing with Him the most confidential information of your; by depending on Him 100% to solve the toughest problems of your life, etc. Get personal with Him to see if He is real to you.

Faithful disciple of Jesus,
Pastor Law Hui Seng
On Easter, 12th April, 2009

Edited and Posted By Teresa Han

Sunday, April 5, 2009

49 Characters

(1)Love Vs Selfishness

Definition: Love is giving to the basic needs of others so that their authorities, get the credit, God gets the glory, and we have the joy of eternal rewards.
Genuine love is giving without any expectation of personal gain.

Personal Evaluation: How genuine is your love?
1) Do you tend to get discouraged and want to give up when everything seems to go wrong?
2) Do you look for ways to be useful and help out whenever you go?
3) Do you tend to envy the possessions or opportunities of other people?
4) Do you enjoy telling about your achievements more than listening to the accomplishment of others.
5) Do you tend to look down on those who do not live by your standards?
6) Do you choose your clothing with a motive of drawing attention to yourself?
7) Do you know and practice good manners wherever you are?
8) Do you tend to want your own way and argue when you do not get it?
9) Do you get irritated or exasperated with the character deficiencies of others?
10) Do you harbour grudges against those who have hurt you?
11) Do you swell on secret desires to fulfil the lust of the flesh?
12) Do you meditate on God’s word day and night and delight to do His will?

(2) Alertness Vs Carelessness
Definition: Alertness is exercising my physical and spiritual senses to recognize the dangers that could diminish the resources entrusted to me.

Personal Evaluation: How alert are you to danger?

1)Do you daily remind yourself that you are in a spiritual war?
2)Do you diligently guard your time from detractors?
3)Do you confirm with scripture everything you are taught?
4)Do you guard your daily time with the Lord and His word?
5)Do you reject all whispers?
6)Do you protect your good name by doing only what is right?
7)Do you ask God for daily guidance and find His will?

(3.) Attentiveness Vs Distraction

Showing the worth of a person or task by giving my undivided concentration.

Attentiveness in the home includes:

1) Showing support for each other by listening to another’s ideas without immediately getting irritated or finding fault in them.
2) Setting aside time to listen with eyes and ears to a family member’s counsel and concerns.
3) Making family members feel important by spending time alone with each of them and listening to their interests.
4) Learning what each family member enjoys so that extra touches can be added to birthday celebrations and others special occasions.

Rewards of Attentiveness

Respect – An attentive person gains the respect of others they value his or her opinion the way he or she has valued theirs

(4.) Availability Vs Self-centeredness

Availability is simplifying our needs so we are ready and able to serve those whom God bring to us.

Personal Evaluation:

How available are you for service?

1) Do you choose to serve God rather than money?
2) Do you purpose to be a giver rather than a taker?
3) Do you work to make other successful?
4) Do you deny yourself from distracting pleasures?
5) Do you set aside personal ambitions in order to advance kingdom of God and His righteousness?
(5) Boldness Vs Fearfulness

Boldness is welcoming any suffering that comes from doing what is right, because it will produce a greater power of love.

Personal Evaluation:

1) Is your heart right before the Lord so that He can move mightily through you?
2) Is it your goal in life to lead as many people as you can to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and then to disciple them in all the teachings of Christ?
3) What special passages of scripture has God given to you, and do you regularly meditate on them?
4) Has God given you special concern for a certain category of people so that you can meet their needs?
5) When you get to the end of your life, what do you want to look back on, of which you can say, ’This is what God accomplished through me’?

By Rev. Law Hui Seng:
Taken from ‘The Power For True Success. How to Build character in Your life’.
To be continued next week.
Posted By Teresa Han