Dear faithful disciples of Jesus in GMC and friends out there,
This may be my last message to you this year as I may be very busy and not able to write. My heart is full of thanksgiving for Jesus put me 9 years in GMC. This is a very rare pastoral experience. In SCAC, they do not normally do it. The most they give is 6 years. As a result, as I reflect, I have the privilege to experience the following lessons:
Firstly, I am able to see the fruit of my labor – how Jesus has transformed quite many individuals through my preaching, prayer, counseling, visitation, challenge and encouragement. Some begin to do more mission, take up leadership roles, start to teach the word of God, etc. However, their growth is entirely the work of Jesus and His Spirit; many others who are helping them also play very important role. Praise the Lord for the community life in Jesus, in GMC.
Secondly, praise the Lord I can see children who grew up to be youths. Lots of them I baptized and I confirmed. I have the great privilege to make them disciples. I pray that when they set up their families in future, they will remember to apply the word of God which I applied on them. The feeling of seeing them grow up is such a joy.
Thirdly, the small group members who bid me have said something very encouraging and affirming to me. These encouragements I want to record them here to help me in my future ministry. This recent farewell by the youths and advisors on 4th December has encouraged me a lot. The summary of their comments is this. They thank me for spending time with them; teaching them character and a personal relationship with Jesus. I may not have fluent English but I am very passionate for Jesus and for the lost. I remain truthful to what I preach. I do what I preach. I am a person with faith and I persevere despite the odds. I may not be so good as what they say but I definitely work hard for they say. Then, the small group farewell 14th December also gave me very deep compliments which I believe will help me to go very far for my future pastoral ministry. I pray that all these comments about me glorify Jesus. I attribute it to Jesus working in me. The highest comment I receive so far is that they see Jesus in me. Yes, this is exactly what I am living for; I desire to be like Jesus. As I reflect on it, I know I am very far from Jesus because I am still very self-centered. I constantly struggle between my will and Jesus’ will. When I am able to Jesus’ I am so powerful for Jesus. I know when I do it, it requires so much sacrifice. There were others who said that I am passionate; they understood why I weep in my preaching; I am people pastor; I am a mission pastor; I am a church planting pastor; I am available to counsel people whom they referred and I do follow up on them; I care about their family and children; I push them to study the 9 months disciple course which impacted their lives; my personally advice and counseling help them in life decision making, etc. What a privilege to hear. My wife, Julia was also there to hear and felt encouraged.
Fourthly, I am able to build up strong, long and lasting relationship through the last 5 years of 9 month disciple bible studies. We had very good fellowship and we always do heart to heart talk in the bible studies discussion. They opened up and I witnessed with my own eyes how their lives are transformed. I believe I have helped some of them to acquire some skill of life reflections. I always remind them to make decisions that seek approval of 3 persons that is God in the person of Jesus, and others and the self. Is it allowed by Jesus? What do other people say? Can your feel comfortable with your conscience? I strongly believe that these relationships which I built up through last 9 years will not be easily forgotten. They will be with me throughout my life and I will bring them with me into heaven with Jesus!
I pray that my sharing above has made a difference for Jesus.
God bless.
A faithful disciple of Jesus,
Pastor Law Hui Seng
(17th December, 2010)