Monday, June 7, 2010

Dear brothers and sisters of GMC and friends,

I went for a Gawai visit at brother Alfred Sibat’s house at Permyjaya on 2nd June afternoon with my wife and church members. I think there were about 40 of us in the house. There were Ibans, Chinese, Malays and other tribal groups who were present! It was a wonderful time of fellowship among all races. The presence of Muslims, particularly, strikes me. Thank God for their presence.

This year, so far, I have finished one to one pre-marital with 3 couples. I can see that they learnt a lot and they are more prepared to face their marriage. On my side, I see this effort as disciple making. I pray that they will be heading for a strong marriage and their future generations will be blessed!

A Faithful disciple of Jesus,

Pastor Law Hui Seng

(3rd June, 2010)

Posted by Teresa Han

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